Greyhound Social Portal
No Spamming
Make It Relevant
No Hostility
Be Nice
No Illegal Content
Be Original
To make sure using the social portal is a great experience for everyone, please follow these tips:
Be respectful
Everyone has a right to their ideas and opinions. However, opinions don't make facts. Name-calling will not be allowed.
Members must use their full name on all posts.
Keep it Positive!
We want positive stories, comments and constructive suggestions.
Pro-racing and productive conversations only.
Posters and discussions that deviate from these are subject to deletion without notice.
Discussions that go south will be cut off and subject to deletion without notice.
Access Subject to NGA Bylaws
This Social Portal is accessed by NGA Members and is subject to NGA bylaws.
Conversations will remain free from deleterious impacts on the greyhound racing industry as a whole.
Any member that posts content which violates this term will be removed from website and social portal access until the BOD can determines if the conduct was in breach of Article V, Section 18.
Screenshots are Prohibited
Any member that:
Takes a screen shot, prints and shares content on this forum on other social sites, or,
Posts on other forums, forwards in emails or shared without permission by the NGA and/or the site owner will be banned from accessing this forum without notice, regardless of membership.
Content Copyrights
Any content that is posted on this forum is owned the poster, however, the original poster consents to the NGA publishing the contents with credits provided.
Thanks for being a part of this community!