Adoption Group Requirements for Endorsement
The National Greyhound Association is proud of our partnership with adoption groups through out North America. Endorsement is completely voluntary for groups. The National Greyhound Association has set standards for the care and stewardship of the breed and believes that extends into adoption.
Responsible Adoption Groups will:
Spay and neuter adoption dogs prior to placement or, if placing puppies, when age-appropriate deemed by a veterinary professional;
Provide home screening prior to placement;
Commit to always advocate for animal care and safe home environment;
Agree to communicate with the NGA through a placement reporting process;
Promise to accept returns when home placement is no longer viable;
Pledge to truthfully educate about greyhound racing using facts and first-hand experiences over personal opinions;
Encourage adopters to learn about their new companion's NGA roots; by transferring ownership and becoming an Ambassador Member;
Ensure all Board Members are members in good standing with the NGA as an Ambassador, Associate or Full Member, and adhere to NGA's bylaws. (not required for previously endorsed groups)